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2022- present
This page shows the relevant outcomes of this project
Examining the impact of the urban transportation system on tangible and intangible vitality at the city-block scale in Nanjing, China
Liu Yang, Mingbo Wu, Yishan Chen, Chenyang Wu
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science

A Web-Based Geodesign Tool for Evaluating the Integration of Transport Infrastructure, Public Spaces, and Human Activities
Assessing human emotional responses to the design of public spaces around subway stations: a human factors research
Liu Yang, Yuan Zhu, Mikela Chatzimichailidou, Xiaoyun Liu
Urban Design International

Computational decision-support tools for urban design to improve resilience against COVID-19 and other infectious diseases: A systematic review
Liu Yang, Michiyo Iwami, YishanChen, MingboWu, Koen H.van Dam
Progress in Planning
Data-driven agent-based model development to support human-centric TOD design
Liu Yang and Koen H. van Dam
Presented in the 2022 ABMUS workshop at the AAMAS conference
Awarded as the Best Workshop Paper

A systematic review of urban design and computer modelling methods to support smart city development in a post-COVID era
Ergonomics analysis of the pedestrian environment around subway stations
Liu Yang, Yuan Zhu, and Mikela Chatzimichailidou
Presented at the First International Conference on Environmental Behavior Research, CED-ASC 2022

Developing goals and indicators for the design of sustainable and integrated transport infrastructure and urban spaces
Liu Yang, Koen van Dam, and Lufeng Zhang
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